
越南國家銀行(SBV)在2018/11/22發布了第27/2018 / TT-NHNN號通知,為了保護分支機構客戶利益,防止他們非法將資產轉移到國外,以明確凍結外國銀行分行資本和資產的案件類型如下

  1. 分配資本的實際價值降至低於法定資本的水平超過六個月。
  2. 它違反了銀行活動審慎比率的規定,未能按照SBV的要求採取補救措施。
  3. 其累計虧損超過最新經審計財務報表中所述的已分配資本和儲備金的一半。
  4. 其母公司未能按照SBV的要求履行對其的義務。
  5. 其母行顯示破產跡像或由原產國主管當局置於特別控制之下,或被要求解散或清算或破產或撤銷其設立和經營許可證。
  1. The true value of granted capital of the FBB is smaller than the legal capital for more than 06 months.
  2. The branch fails to maintain the adequacy ratio specified in Article 130 of the Law on credit institutions and fails to achieve the adequacy ratio by the deadline imposed by the State bank.
  3. The accumulated loss incurred by the FBB exceeds 50% of its granted capital and reserve funds specified in the latest audited financial statement.
  4. The parent bank fails to fulfill its commitments regarding its branch in Vietnam despite the State bank’s request.
  5. There is information that the parent bank is suspected of insolvency or put under special control by the authority of its home country or it is ordered to undergo dissolution, bankruptcy or its license is revoked.

*FBB==>foreign branch banks


【資料來源:27/2018 / TT-NHNN號】