
這兩天在越南社保局網站上看到消息Tiếp tục tạm dừng đóng vào quỹ hưu trí và tử tuất đến hết năm 2020參照 2020/3/4公文指導số 11/CT-TTg第二項d點繼續暫停受許可雇主繳交社保及退休款項至2020年12月底。不過看起來如果雇主暫停繳交保費部分應該還是要取得主管機關許可,目前至2020/6/30截止資料顯示主管機關允許1,519個單位的雇主暫時停止向全國138,076名工人的退休和生存基金供款。

Social Security Administration of Vietnam shall take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in providing guidance on delaying collection of social insurance from entities affected by Covid-19 until the end of June or December 2020 without charging late payment interest.