





Article 129. Acts of infringement of rights to marks, trade names and geographical indications

The following acts, if performed without the permission of mark owners, shall be deemed to be infringements of the right to a mark:
(a) Using signs identical with protected marks for goods or services identical with goods or services on the list registered together with such mark;
(b) Using signs identical with protected marks for goods or services similar or related to those goods or services on the list registered together with such mark, if such use is likely to cause confusion as to the origin of the goods or services;
(c) Using signs similar to protected marks for goods or services identical with, similar to or related to goods or services on the list registered together with such mark, if such use is likely to cause confusion as to the origin of the goods or services;
(d) Using signs identical with, or similar to, well known marks, or signs in the form of translations or transcriptions of well known marks for any goods or services, including those not identical with, dissimilar or unrelated to goods or services on the lists of those bearing well known marks, if such use is likely to cause confusion as to the origin of the goods or services or misleading impressions as to the relationship between users of such signs and well known mark owners.


Article 19. Actions against enterprises’ names infringing upon industrial property rights

1. It is prohibited to use a protected trade name, brand name, or geographical indication of an entity as part of an enterprise’s proper name unless it is accepted by the owner of such protected trade name or brand name. Before registering a name, the enterprise or its founder may check the database of industrial property authorities for registered brand names and geographical indications

