
小編之前寫過【越南勞動】員工請病假,公司到底給不給錢?、【越南勞動】特別休假與年假【company vacation day】【Nghỉ có lương】




2012年勞動法第114條第2項 和議定45/2013/ND-CP第7條如果勞工不做滿一年那年假的計算如下:

年假 = 休年假的天數 / 12 *年度內之實際工作月數。

算出之結果數字, 在個數位置乃取其整數( 若果小數點後面數字是大於0.5或者等於0.5乃於個數位置進1,四捨五入的概念)







Article 66. Determination of annual leave days in special cases

1. The number of annual leave days of an employee who has worked for less than 12 months mentioned in Clause 2 Article 113 of the Labor Code equals (=) annual leave days plus (+) extra leave days (if any) divided by (:) 12 months multiplied by (x) actual working months in the year.

2. In case an employee has an incomplete month of work, it will be considered a complete month (01 month) if the total working days and paid leave days (holidays, annual leave, personal leave prescribed in Article 112, Article 113, Article 114 and Article 115 of the Labor Code) make up of at least 50% of the normal working days of the month.

3. The entire period of time over which the employee works at state organizations and state-owned enterprises shall be included in the working time as the basis for determination of extra leave days according to Article 114 of the Labor Code if the employee keeps working at such state organizations and state-owned enterprises.

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