- 10年以上之中古機械不可進口至越南。
- 機械生產需照依照國家標準、越南標準、G7成員國或韓國標準製造。
- 剩餘性能需達85%,材料能源消耗不得超過原設計的15%
- 公告禁用二手機械、設備、生產技術清單
- 至少三個經濟合作暨發展組織成員國目前正在使用的技術生產線
- 第18/2019/QD-TTg號決定自2019/6/15起生效
Article 5. Import criteria for used technological lines
A used technological line may be imported if it satisfies the following criteria:
1. It is manufactured in accordance with:
a) National Technical Regulations (QCVN) on safety, energy saving, and environmental protection;
b) In case of unavailability of National Technical Regulations (QCVN) for a technological line to be imported, it must be manufactured in conformity with technical indicators of Vietnam’s Standards (TCVN) or Standards of G7 countries or Korea with regard to safety, energy saving, and environmental protection.
2. Remaining capacity (which is the number of products that the technological line produce in a given time period) or performance must achieve at least 85% of its design capacity or performance.
3. The amount of raw materials or energy consumed by the technological line shall not exceed 15% of its design consumption level.
4. Technologies of the technological line to be imported must not be on the List of technologies prohibited or restricted from transferring promulgated under the Government’s Decree No. 76/2018/ND-CP dated May 15, 2018.
5. A technology comprised in the technological line to be imported is being applied by at least 03 manufacturers of member countries of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Article 6. Import criteria for used machinery and equipment
A piece of used machinery or equipment may be imported if it satisfies the following criteria:
1. Its age does not exceed 10 years. Ages of machinery and equipment in certain specific fields are provided for in the Appendix I enclosed herewith.
2. It is manufactured in accordance with:
a) National Technical Regulations (QCVN) on safety, energy saving, and environmental protection;
b) In case of unavailability of National Technical Regulations (QCVN) for the type of machinery or equipment to be imported, it must be manufactured in conformity with technical indicators of Vietnam’s Standards (TCVN) or Standards of G7 countries or Korea with regard to safety, energy saving, and environmental protection.
【資料來源:Decision No. 18/2019/QD-TTg dated April 19, 2019 import of used machinery, equipment and technological lines】